Para quem tem pestanas grandes como eu e não quer dar volume mas apenas definição, esta máscara é ótima e ficamos com um olhar incrivel! :D
O esfoliante é algo que eu preciso desesperadamente de usar porque eu ando sempre a arrancar peles dos lábios e assim acabam-se logo com as peles! kkk
Já o pincel, eu não digo que seja algo que temos obrigatoriamente de ter, mas acho que aplicando o batom com o pincel no contorno dos lábios e depois preencher o resto fica muito melhor e mais definido :)
São sugestões que vos faço :p
Se estiverem interessadas em produtos Mary Kay falem comigo que eu posso arranjar-vos.
When try a product and like the effect or outcome I invest, and this time was no exception because since I was the 1st time test of Mary Kay products fell in love with mascara and soon wanted to buy. It has arrived and also reached two other little things that I find essential and I sent come too, which is a lipmask and a portable brush to apply lipstick.
For those with big eyelashes like me and do not want to give volume but only definition, this mask is great and we get an amazing look! :D
The lipmask is something I desperately need to use because I always walk to boot skins lips and so are over soon with the skins! kkk
Already the brush, I don't say it's something that we must have, but I think applying lipstick with the brush around the mouth and then fill the rest is much better and more defined :)
These are suggestions that I give unto you :p
If you're interested in Mary Kay products talk to me I can get to you.
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